Central Interior Distance Education

CIDES Registration will stay open until March 31, 2025. Register here

The CIDES program will be closing at the end of June 2025. All current students are asked to complete their assignments no later than June 10, 2025, or by the date requested by the teacher. This is to allow current teachers to wrap up their courses and submit their grades prior to the close of school for the summer months. If you cannot complete your classes by this date, please contact the school as program support will remain in place until January 2026.

If you are a current student and have a question about your course, please email your teacher directly. If you have difficulty with your login, please email cidesinfo@sd57.bc.ca, and/or your teacher directly.

Login as follows: Your user name is your firstname.lastname or Pupil#

Password: firstnamelastname

Please use all lower case and please reset your password as soon as possible.

If you are looking for assistance with MyEdBC, passwords, transcripts or student records please contact cidesinfo@sd57.bc.ca.

Dear Parents and Guardians/Caregivers:

School District #57 is participating in the summer 2024 Ministry of Education and Child Care Electronic Anonymous Online Learning Survey in cooperation with all other school districts throughout the Province.

Parents/Guardians/Caregivers can complete the online Anonymous Online Learning Surveys any time between July 8th, 2024 and September 30th, 2024, providing immediate results to the school and the district.

To complete the survey:

  1. Go to any computer that has an up-to-date internet browser access at home, work, or school.
  2. Go to https://www.awinfosys.com/survey3/dlsurvey/main/.
  3. Select the school your child is attending. If they are enrolled in multiple online schools, you may complete a separate survey for each of those schools. If you have multiple children in online learning, you may complete surveys for each of them.
  4. Select “Parent”.
  5. Complete the survey by clicking on the appropriate circle to answer each question. Move to the next set of questions by clicking on the right arrow in the bottom right corner of the screen. Click on the left arrow to navigate backwards.
  6. When you are finished with the survey, you will get a message “Thank you for sharing your views”.
  7. Once complete, your school will have the results immediately.

Thank you for participating in the Online Learning Survey. Your contribution assists in understanding and improving the online learning educational experiences of students across the province.

Conrad Turner
Principal, CIDES


Making online learning awesome


Who are we?

CIDES is a BC public school. We are a District online learning school (DOLS) that services students in the SD57 catchment area. We celebrate diversity by providing a learning program that is flexible to your location, age, life circumstances, and timetable. Our staff are passionate, and make a point of regularly reaching out to our learners and those who support them. We offer courses from K to 12, for youth and adult learners.


Why choose us?

  • You want to accelerate your learning by taking extra courses.

  • You prefer the freedom of learning at your own pace, or in a private environment.

  • You need to upgrade to qualify for post secondary or employment.

  • You desire more diverse learning subjects that your current school doesn’t provide.


Ready to start learning?


Where is our learning centre?

Prince George (Main Office)

3400 Westwood Drive, Prince George.
8:45 AM to 3:15 PM
Contact: (250) 564 - 6574